
Advanced OO PHP programming

  • planning web applications
  • advanced programming
  • programming and connecting payment systems
  • developing new modules
  • adjusting existing solutions
  • work on databases
  • server jobs

We do not usually work on foreign or open source CMS systems (Wordpress, Joomla..) . We develop and maintain our own solutions which we can later modify, add new functionality or optimize the code to make websites with a lot of active users / visitors a lot faster. PHP / MySql web solutions are hosted on our servers.

Developing intranet

We have developed a web platform that became a launch ramp for custom intranet solutions. Intranet is a closed system made to help business maintenance, communication with employees, task management, open web portal for guests or a social network.

Intranet must be simple to use, fast at loading and accessible over multiple devices (computers, tablets, phones).

The final solutions are hosted only our server because it is the only way we can ensure maximum quality.


Online appointments

Web system for online appointments enables an easy way to book your appointment (at the docots, lawyer, hair dresser...).

Online appointments system is developed in two components:

The applications ensures that two users can not book the appointment at the same time.

The basic package includes:

Developing and maintaining online award games

Programming the online award game with managing entries, draw and awarding the prize to the lucky people.

Among award winning games we count: puzzle games, quizes, memory games, comparing images,...

Memory game example:

The players are entered in the database where also the time of playing and the ammount of moves is displayed. The client then draws the lucky players and publishes them on the website.

The basic package includes:



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